Case Studies

Grangemouth Sports Complex

Health & Fitness

From studio lights to full virtual cycling centres, we’ve delivered a variety of technology integrations throughout Grangemouth Sports Complex, including their gym and Les Mills Immersive Spin studio.

The Vision

The Grangemouth Sports Complex team wanted to transform their existing spin studio into a Les Mills Immersive studio. Their vision was to create an energetic and motivating environment unlike anything else available to their members.

While we were originally brought on board to tackle the integration of wall-mounted speakers and below-ceiling perimeter lighting across the facility, the evolving nature of the project led to us delivering multiple bespoke AV solutions for their various studios, gym hall and pool facilities. First up; two adjoining fitness studios host regular group workouts of varying intensity, run by both live instructors and virtual Les Mills classes. An automated partition divides or combines these two spaces to create the right size venue for the class or event running at any one time.

The Project

We were initially introduced to the project via Alliance Leisure to support Workspace, the contractor managing the wider facility refurbishment, with our unique technology integration.

Our team was tasked with specifying, installing and configuring a variety of audio, visual, lighting, connectivity, control and automation technologies to enhance the Les Mills class experience.

In addition to making this a unique immersive space, the studio needed the versatility to also host non-immersive classes as well.

Another core requirement was that the solution had to be user-friendly for instructors and centrally controlled in from one-place to create a seamless workout environment.

The Solution

To transform their traditional studio space into an immersive spin experience we provided audio, visual, lighting, connectivity and control, and automation integrations.


We installed a distributed split stereo audio system throughout the studio to deliver a powerful soundscape. The speakers are suspended on dropped rods from the ceiling grid; carefully configured for the ceiling’s weight limitations.

Angled towards the central screen, users experience an immersed sound experience that helps focus attention on the visuals at the front of the room.


The studio lights comprise a combination of Xensio LED tape and spotlights, controlled using MADRIX software. We created a perimeter outline around the curved screen using Xensio orbits to create various effects, all controllable via an iPad.

There are multiple lighting pre-sets that allow instructors to turn the primary studio lights on or off, while keeping the spotlights either reactive or dimmed to fit the environment. Class modes can be selected during sessions to synchronise lighting effects to music or programmed workouts. These modes are not dependent on the Les Mills content running and can be used for independent sessions.

We developed a gradient lighting effect tailored to the main screen position to maximise image quality. This is as part of our lighting specifications we have with Les Mills, and it is a benchmark standard in all of their studios that we work on.

After recommending a tiered layout for the studio bikes to maximise occupancy, we provided larger LED strip lighting that runs across the room – acting not only as a visual lighting feature, but also providing additional safety lighting.


The projection setup distinguished this studio from other immersive studios. It’s a first of its kind integration for an immersive spin studio. The edge blending and content running on the platform is all bespoke to the project, and our team did 3D projection mapping in-house.

The focal point in the studio is a large, curved screen that covers almost the entirety of the back wall. It captures participants’ attention and draws them into the immersive experience.

To create this effect we installed two large Panasonic projectors that together cover this vast screen. The joins between the two projected images is seamless in positioning and pixel quality, with no disruption in viewing experience. 

Connectivity and Control

One of the key requirements was a user-friendly control system that can be operated without hassle by instructors who are not technology experts. We configured every piece of technology in the studio to be controlled using an iPad in the centre of the room where the instructor is typically positioned.


This was the first immersive studio to use the FitBox automation platform, which runs the class content. Running alongside the FitBox platform, our own in-house automation platform allows us to programme and trigger automated class commands.

The Result

The end result was a distinctive and memorable spin studio that quickly became a favourite amongst the local spin class community. Feedback from members has been incredibly positive, and the studio has been a fantastic addition to Grangemouth Sports Complex. 

We provide ongoing support and maintenance for the studio. As with all our installations, this immersive studio was designed with remote support in mind – as it’s typically the best way to monitor performance and quickest way to pro-actively resolve any issues.

For any occasion when an issue can’t be resolved via remote-access, our nationwide team of field engineers are always available to support the Grangemouth team in-person.

We also help the on-site team with any new audio and lighting configurations they want added. These kind of adjustments and attention to detail can make a big impact on how different classes are experienced, and are a big part of why people go to a Les Mills Immersive class.

Client feedback

Since the launch of the studio, we have heard nothing but positive feedback – from the client, to the partners we worked with, and the members that get to enjoy this studio. There has been a mass outpour of positivity across social media, and we cannot wait to see the studio continue to be used to its full potential.

Alliance’s Senior Business Development Manager, Jonny Curley, noted that our strong history working with Les Mills and Immersive Fitness was a testament to our partnership.

Jonny also stated that the ‘delivery onsite experience was excellent’, commending our team from throughout the install journey.

This reflects what we at Hutchison Technologies strive to provide; bespoke and integrated AV systems that create amazing experiences for both the client and their customers, guests or members. 

“Hutchison Technologies were the ideal partner for this project with their extensive experience in Immersive Fitness and the Les Mills products. This is the largest immersive screen we have installed to date. From the initial planning of the project to the delivery on site the experience was excellent and we look forward to working with Hutchison Technologies again in the future.”

Jonny Curley
Senior Business Development Manager – Scotland
Alliance Leisure

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