
2023 AV Technology & Feature Lighting Trends

woman Boxing in a room with AV technology and lighting using a VR headset.

Are you curious about the audio-visual and feature lighting trends that are set to make a splash in 2023? From 3D printing to virtual reality, the world of AV technology is evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers. Here’s a rundown of the top AV and feature lighting trends expected to make their mark in the coming year. Get up to speed on what to expect and be prepared to make the most of the exciting opportunities ahead.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has been around for some time and is predicted to become more even prevalent in 2023. This technology allows users to experience immersive environments with the help of special headsets and software. AV companies are taking advantage of this technology by creating virtual reality experiences that are designed to provide users with a more engaging and interactive experience.

Examples of virtual reality being used in AV projects include creating virtual tours of museums, allowing visitors to experience the exhibits in a more interactive way; creating virtual concerts, allowing people to experience a live performance from the comfort of their own home; and creating virtual sports stadiums, allowing people to experience the excitement of a live match without leaving their house.

Motion Tracking & Gesture Control

Motion tracking is also gaining popularity for personal and commercial AV & feature lighting installations. By using real-world movements, users can interact with objects in a virtual space through simple gestures. Motion tracking is expected to be even more common in 2023, and with gesture-based control, it has the potential to create even more impactful experiences.

For example, motion tracking can be used to allow users to control the audio-visual system with a simple wave of their hand. Similarly, gesture-based control can be used to allow users to control various parts of the installation with simple hand movements, such as zooming in and out of a picture or controlling the brightness of the lights. It can also allow members of the public to interact with an installation, adding a hugely engaging factor to otherwise straight-forward projection or visual display pieces.

Curved Video Walls and Bespoke Displays

Curved and bespoke-shaped video walls create a visually stunning effect, providing a more immersive experience for viewers, and are becoming an increasingly popular option for large-scale installations. LED displays offer a number of advantages over video walls and projection when it comes to creating bespoke displays.

LED displays are more energy-efficient, have a longer life, boast a higher contrast ratio and come in a wider range of colors. Plus, they can be configured to fit any space, giving you even more design flexibility and creative freedom. As such, LED displays are expected to be even more prominent in 2023 for AV professionals looking to create unique and engaging content for their customers.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality could also be popping up in more commercial installations. This technology allows users to experience 3D visuals that are overlaid onto their environment, creating a more immersive experience. AV companies are taking advantage of this technology by creating augmented reality experiences that are designed to provide users with an enhanced viewing experience. Sectors like retail, art exhibitions, and event management in particular are likely to see this technology become more available for them.

3D Printing

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that is already making waves in the AV and feature lighting industry. This trend is predicted to become even more prominent in 2023, as more AV companies incorporate 3D printing into their designs. 3D printing allows for complex designs to be created quickly and cost-effectively, making it an ideal choice for AV professionals looking to create innovative and unique products.

Examples of 3D printing being used in AV lighting designs include creating custom fixtures, unique shapes, and intricate designs. 3D printing can also be used to create components that are too small or complex for traditional manufacturing processes. This technology is ideal for creating bespoke solutions that require one-off parts, without hiking up the price of manufacturing. Additionally, 3D printing has the potential to reduce costs and waste, as it eliminates the need for traditional moulding and machining.

Smart lighting

Smart lighting is increasingly being used in commercial applications such as offices, retail spaces, and hospitality venues. It is set to continue its popularity in 2023, with features that offer improved energy efficiency, customisable lighting designs, and automated scheduling. Smart lighting can be tied in with other audiovisual technologies to create a more immersive experience for customers and employees alike.

Examples of smart lighting products include RGBW pixel strip lights, Bluetooth mesh lighting systems, intelligent lighting controllers, and smart lightbulbs. RGBW pixel strip lights are a great option for creating customisable lighting designs, as they allow users to control the color, brightness, and intensity of the lights.

Additionally, Bluetooth mesh lighting systems are great for large-scale installations, as they allow users to wirelessly control lights over a wide area. Intelligent lighting controllers make it easy for users to remotely program and control their lighting systems. By combining these with gesture-based control or other control solutions, you can create a truly forward-thinking AV and lighting setup.

The AV and feature lighting industry is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs of its users. With the emergence of new trends, 2023 is poised to be an exciting year for AV and feature lighting. From 3D printing to virtual reality, the possibilities are seemingly endless. By taking advantage of these trends, businesses in all industries can hugely impact their brand and customer experiences. Talk to us today to find out how you can transform your space.

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