Case Studies

Places for People

Health & Fitness

Places for People, owners of Places Leisure, is a social enterprise that works with councils and local councils to build community spaces and leisure centres.With a nationwide reach, they aim to provide all types of places for all types of people, including homes, developments, and leisure facilities. As Places of People’s preferred audio visual partner, we have collaborated with them throughout their growing portfolio of sites.

Places for People, owners of Places Leisure

Our Services

Our support for the social enterprise ranges from supplying complete audio visual packages across sites, audio, feature & effect lighting, and iPad control, to immersive studio experiences and much more. With a continuously growing portfolio of sites, Places for People needs an experienced audio visual team that can deliver, implement, and provide effective aftercare solutions consistently. That is where our team of qualified experts and technicians come in.

Places Leisure fitness studio

Most recent projects

Recently, the Places for People team have brought us in to help design, integrate and maintain all audio visual and tech systems in their Wokingham Leisure Centre and Camberley sites. For both of these projects, we were brought on board right at the start to help configure the required solutions alongside other contractors, to ensure a smooth delivery upon build-time. Upon delivery, our team stayed to train the staff who would be running the site, to ensure everyone was up to speed and knew how to make the most of these bespoke systems.

Our services for these two facilities were not limited to the gym spaces: we were able to optimize and improve the member experience from start to finish, from the music they hear the moment they enter the facility, to the all-round tannoy systems throughout the facility To achieve this, we worked very closely with the PFP team and used all our industry experience and project management know-how to ensure the result was as strong as the pitch.

A warm welcome for members and guests


The reception desk received a full tannoy setup, which we interlinked with the in-ceiling speakers across the facility to provide great-sounding background audio, as well as clear safety and staff announcements across the site.

Discreet but powerful audio technology employed throughout the pool spaces

Pools and Public Spaces

We installed background audio in all public settings including the café areas, therapy rooms, pools, changing rooms, corridors and kids play zones, and each zone was calibrated to ensure the sound worked within the differing environments without compromising on sound quality. Anywhere the audio needed to be individually controllable, we provided iPad controls to enable the staff to calibrate the experience manually.

Behind the scenes, we also installed a systematic network of cabling that extends to all tech solutions within the centres and covers the whole facility in reliable WiFi coverage for members and staff to use.

High end fitness spaces with modern gym technology

Fitness Spaces

When it came to the gym floor, we provided a punchier foreground sound system, lighting installations and eye-catching TV displays along the walls to allow members to tune into the latest news, sports or entertainment while working out. The zones are individually controllable via an easy-to-use iPad control tablet available to staff to adjust lighting and audio levels as required throughout the day.

TV displays and video walls providing an immersive gym experience

Exercise Studios

For the studios, we pulled out all the stops. From completely controllable RGBW LED lights and stunning projection and TV displays for virtual classes, to plug-and-play music systems for the instructors to use to personalize their classes. The piece-de-resistance for each site is the immersive Les Mills Cycle Studio, complete with oversized projection, programmed RGBW feature lighting designs and fully calibrated powerful sound.

Members have access to luxurious spa facilities

What it means to have Hutchison Technologies as audio visual partner

From the start right through to the ongoing aftercare of the final setup, we have been there to assist in the needs and wants of Places for People, be it a health & fitness-based project, or otherwise.

“The support provided has been excellent, right from initial concept through to final delivery and the finished product really has that wow factor.” Martin Anderson | Capital Projects Director, Places Leisure Camberley

Our delivery of so many technology services allows for a seamless integration that can be remotely accessed, therefore reducing time and money spent on updates and repairs, if at all necessary.

innovative lighting and audio solutions turn workouts into memorable experiences

When discussing their experience with working with us, it was our user-friendly and seamless integration that stood out.

It’s all just at the click of a button! The simplicity of use is simply amazing and means that anyone can recreate this multi-dimensional experience and not just the tech-savvy. This is great as it means that any visitor to the centre can enjoy this activity at a time that suits them outside any programmed sessions, offering them convenience and most importantly a bit of fun whilst they work out” – Martin Anderson | Capital Projects Director, Places Leisure Camberley.

When asked about our ongoing partnership and further recommendations to other businesses operating within the industry, Martin commented that “The collaborative partnership that we have in place with Hutchison’s has been fantastic and we would recommend them to anyone who is looking to take on a similar project”.

Wanting to know more on how we can help you upgrade your AV set up setup? Eager to collaborate on delivering a premium experience to your space, be it through innovative lighting solutions, unique TV displays, or high-tech audio installations? Contact us today!

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