Case Studies

STORM Berlin with Energym

Health & Fitness
STORM gym in Berlin with green feature lighting in the cycle studio.
  • Distributed Evoson Audio (including cabinet speakers and subwoofers)
  • Bose Audio processing
  • Xensio Digital LED Tape
  • Forty-degree angled RGBW downlighters
  • Showtec moving-heads
  • Haze machine
  • iPad control system

The Vision

Holmes Place, a premium fitness and wellness concept operating in Europe, were looking to launch a boutique brand of gyms that delivered high-intensity fitness classes to avid fitness fans, based in urban built-up cities. The space was to be distinctive against other city-based studios, and was to offer an energetic experience to members. The team wanted to shake the industry, and make waves by creating a unique atmosphere within the boutique fitness space. Thus, STORM was launched, with their flagship boutique located in central Berlin.  

The Project

Our team of specialists were approached to provide a variety of audio, lighting solutions, and control technologies throughout their cycling studio within the boutique. With their vision of a sub-terranean escape and their wealth of expertise within the fitness industry, we provided an outline of how we would approach creating the setup using AV technology. We proposed a series of connected technologies centrally controlled via iPad for ease of access and usability for instructors. We partnered with Energym, a UK-based smart-tech fitness company providing clean-energy-generating fitness equipment, to bring unique fitness and technology solutions to this space. 

An exercise bike in front of spotlight lighting solutions in the STORM gym cycle studio.

The Solution

We designed a cycle studio that combined the use of colourful lighting solutions, including Digital LED tape and RGBW downlighters, and powerful fully-distributed Evoson Audio systems. The space is set up in a triangular formation, allowing members to experience a surround-sound setup during classes. Originally used as a cinema, the space had previously been acoustically treated to throw sound, with accompanying high ceilings that allow for echo-control and projected audio. Our team of specialist engineers were able to calculate the most efficient angles for the speakers that would give the best sound experience for members further away from the front of the class.

We combined various lighting solutions to create a frenetic workout environment, that could be both synchronised and manually controlled within the studio. When members first arrive, they are greeted by a unique lighting feature in the shape of a lightning bolt – symbolic of the brand persona. Using metal work fittings that ENSIGN designed, we installed LED lighting strips  The feature which was built using extrusions, and was a unique integration to deliver to the studio.  

Light solutions can be seen in the cycle studio in STORM gym showing a featured lightning bolt made of LED strip lights.

From the doors to throughout the studio, LED strip lights line the walls and ceiling that synchronise with music playing during classes, creating a motivating and energetic atmosphere. Working alongside these effects is an oil-based haze machine which can be set up automatically or manually controlled by instructors throughout the workout.

The spin bikes are positioned across staggered levels from the centre to the back of the studio, and face onwards to the main instructor podium. From here, instructors can control all technologies through a centralised iPad system for maximum delivery and perspective of the classes.

This combination of technologies creates a stimulating environment that inspires members to push themselves within cycle classes. Since the successful installation and launch of STORM Berlin earlier this year, the setup has been very popular amongst visitors, and has literally taken social media by storm with plenty of content being shared showcasing the unique space. We maintain a strong relationship with Energym and STORM Boutiques, supporting in current and ongoing integrations. Our team are very excited to be involved with two very strong partners, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Partner Feedback

“Hutchi were the perfect partner for the STORM project, with them delivering an incredible, immersive experience that perfectly complements the premium, high-spec experience of our RE:GEN rides which feature within the cycle-studio.”

 Will Flint, CEO, Energym

Today’s health and fitness industry is all about the total experience. That’s why Hutchi’s integrated technologies will raise your facility to another level. Every project begins with a conversation.
Talk to us today

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